Title: Applying Systems Thinking to NMDOH Impact Measurement
Presenter(s): Leslie Wainwright, PCCI; Semonti Basu, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation; Dr. Linda Highfield, UT Health Houston School of Public Health; Marc Rosen, Common Spirit
While there is an increased focus on the importance of non-medical drivers of health (NMDOH), quantifying impact remains elusive. Addressing challenges with measurement are foundational for expansion of NMDOH-based initiatives. This session explored current gaps with impact measurement and provide a systems thinking approach for what is needed for future success.
Presenters walked through a series of case studies on NMDOH program evaluation, considering the various options on what to measure, how to operationalize an evaluation, and what it means for an evaluation to be “good enough.”
View the presenters slides from this event, here.